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Reflecting on Personal Goals



After earning my bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from Michigan State University I made my way to Chicago to impact students in a diverse inner-city setting. While teaching in Chicago, I knew I wanted to become a stronger teacher, but was unsure what I wanted to focus on for my master’s degree. I recognized throughout my own education, technology was an integral part of my learning. I have been exposed to technology throughout my entire education, and have been receptive to the changes and impacts that it has on myself. I realized my awareness of changes in technology was an integral and timely topic which to better understand. As a result, I decided to apply to Michigan State University to continue my education and earn my master’s degree in Education Technology.


Original Goals


My original goals when entering the Master of Arts in Education Technology (MAET) at Michigan State University were to;


1. Better understand how to purposefully integrate technology into my teaching.


Prior to entering the MAET program, I hoped to explore the many paths of technology in the classroom, not only as a communication device but as a learning tool. I hoped to understand the appropriateness of using technology, and identify what strategies would prepare my students for their futures.


2. Broaden the integration of technology for teachers across multiple grade-levels.


Collaboration among teachers is the most powerful, and impactful strategy for educators. My original hope was to use my knowledge from the MAET program, to better support other teachers and become a stronger resource for them to learn from.


Self Assessment Reflection of Goals


When looking back at my original goals for the MAET program, I am realizing my overarching goals remain the same. My original goal around purposefully integrating technology into my teaching is a moving target. As technology changes, so does the effectiveness of using technology to enhance teaching. Therefore, I plan to continue working toward this goal, while realizing its attainability is forever changing. Similarly, my goal to broaden the use of technology in education for other teachers is a goal I continue to work toward and advocate for on a daily basis. I want to be a leader in collaborating with others to them to use technology as part of their instruction.


Overall, I want to continue to grow as an educator, and I am grasping the idea of using of technology in the classroom as more than just a tool. Technology has become a way of life for my students, my co-workers, and the education system as a whole. It is a common thread for students who are both college and career bound, and it is a pertinent tool for reaching all students regardless of their backgrounds and personal goals. Therefore, I plan to keep these two goals at the forefront of my personal growth as a teacher. Implementing purposeful use of technology in my lessons, and collaborating with others will drive my understanding of education technology in the future.



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