Transformation Outline
The ultimate goal of my transformation is that students will make deeper connections with science content by using collaboration, and design as a platform to solve real-world problems. Scientific discovery will be in the students hands, and the ownership of inquiry will allow the students to ask questions, create arguments, analyze data and share their learning with one another.
The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) identifies computational thinking as a practice essential to the Science and Engineering domain. In short, computational thinking is the idea of breaking down a complex problem into smaller more familiar ones (Aman Yadav, Chris Stephenson, Hai Hong, 2017).
The image to the right is directly from the WeDo 2.0 Curriculum Document.
I have connected aspects of the project progression to the "Six Facets of Understanding" explained in Understanding by Design.
*Click image to open in a separate window
*Grant Wiggins and JayMcTighe’s work in Understanding by Design, discuss “Six Facets of Understanding” which help instructors determine if students have a deep understanding of the content at hand.
Aman Yadav, Chris Stephenson, Hai Hong. (2017, April 01). Computational Thinking for Teacher Education. Retrieved August 14, 2017, from
When students use LEGO® WeDo 2.0 to explore science, they will use the idea of computational thinking to discover scientific content in all four domains of science (Life, Physical, Earth/Space, Engineering Design).
WeDo 2.0 is designed very similar to the idea of computational thinking, as its project progression is defined in four phases. These phases allow the instructor to focus on students understanding* of the content, which connect to the curriculum design of LEGO® WeDo 2.0.
Throughout the implementation of LEGO® WeDo 2.0, collaboration will be a constant necessity when learning. Therefore, students are going to be challenged to step back and ask questions from various perspectives* during collaboration. They will learn about the importance of empathy*, as well as self-knowledge* as they gain experience(s) from the curriculum.